Family Care – What It Is and why It Matters

The family is the fundamental unit of society. The family care system is the backbone of the social fabric, providing essential support to children and families. In recent years, the family care system has come under increasing strain as families have become more fragmented and diverse. There is a growing need for more flexible, family-centred care models that can meet the needs of today’s families.

 What is Family Care?

 Family care is a type of child care provided by relatives or other family members. Family care can be arranged between parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, or other relatives. It can also be provided by non-related family members such as godparents, stepparents, or siblings.

 Why is Family Care Important?

 Family care is vital because it provides a safe, nurturing environment for children to grow and develop. Family care providers are typically more invested in the child’s well-being than non-family carers, and they often have a deeper understanding of the family’s culture and values. Family care can also be more flexible and responsive to the family’s needs than other types of child care.

 Family care benefits, both for children and families, are well-documented. Children in family care have better outcomes on health, development, and behaviour measures than those in other types of care. They are also more likely to develop strong attachments to their carers and experience a sense of belonging and security.

 Families also benefit from family care. Parents in families who use family care report higher satisfaction levels with their child care arrangements than those in families who use other types of care. They also report feeling more supported and connected to their extended families.

 What to Expect from Family Care?

 If you consider using family care for your child, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

 General Practitioners (GPs) & Consultations

 When you bring your child to the doctor for a consultation, the GP will take a medical history and conduct a physical examination. They will also ask about your family’s medical history. The GP will then make a diagnosis and recommend a course of treatment.

 The GP may also recommend screenings for common conditions in your family. These screenings can help to catch problems early and prevent serious health complications.

 Same-day appointments

 Reliable family care providers offer same-day appointments. This is important for families who have unpredictable work schedules or need last-minute child care. When you call to schedule an appointment, the carer will work with you to find a time that works for both of your schedules.

Health Screenings

 When you use family care, your child will have access to essential health screenings for their well-being. These screenings can detect problems early and help to prevent serious health complications. These personalised health screenings are based on gender, age and health history. Service providers such as can offer a broad range of screenings suitable for adults, teenagers and children.

 Chronic disease management

 If your child has a chronic condition, the GP will work with you to develop a management plan. This may involve referrals to specialists, monitoring the condition, and/or medication. A family care provider can offer support and assistance with chronic disease management.


 Family carers are up-to-date on the latest immunisation schedules. They can make sure that your child is up-to-date on their vaccinations and help to protect them from preventable diseases.


 Having a doctor ready on call who is familiar with your family’s medical history can be a lifesaver – literally. With family care, you have that peace of mind. You know that someone is always there for you and your family, no matter what. Family care from a trusted provider can make all the difference for your family.

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