Animal health, animal diseases, what is to be known about?

Animals are advantageous for humans. In fact, plants and animals are vital for human’s life. Flora and fauna are the main oxygen, clean water, soil, earliest tools, food and clothing’s main provider. Besides, animals play a great health in human’s life.

What is the animal health?

Animal health is important for the economy and the safety of a country’s food supply. Animal health deals with the health, the well-being and the absence of diseases of animals. It may also include the preventing and the managing of spread of serious animal diseases. Animal health may also mean dairy hygiene, meat, milk, wool or egg production standards to ensure the protection of public health.

Why animal health is important?

As healthy livestock plays a huge role in the safety of food supply and the handling of the stability of consumer prices, animal health is vital for healthy production. Animal slaughters, trade halts and subsequent disease eradication efforts can be fatal for a country’ economy. For instance, millions of dollars may not be enough to fit and get over specific animal disease outbreaks. And it is nothing compared to pandemics such as plague, cholera, coronavirus, that may be fatal for million oh human’s life. Preserving animal health should not only be a strategy in a country’s economy. It should rather be priority as it has huge impacts on social, health, environmental, politics’ life of a specific country, not only on its economic growth.

Common animal health issues

Throughout the world, we can see factory farms and famers employing abusive and neglectful practices that are not advantageous for the well-being and the health of the animals. These practices include the factory farming, the factory fish farming, the slaughter age, the chick culling, the battery cages, the gestation crates, the foie gras but also the ag-gag laws, the fur farms, the faux fur, the leather production, the down production, the cockfighting, the bullfighting, the horse racing, the horse soring, the rodeos and the animal-gifting hunger relief. As consequences, these practices lead to arthritis, bloat gastric torsion, cancer in animals, canine parvovirus, diabetes militus, distemper and sometimes epilepsy and gastric dilation.

Tips to keep animals healthy

Maintaining animal health may at first sight seem difficult but it is compulsory if you want to have happy pets, well-grown livestock, good meat, healthy egg or high-standardized fish. Apart from a sane house, a hygienic food and proper nutrition including Nor-feed, your animals also other cares. In fact, giving the animal the right amount of food contributes to maintain his weight and to prevent it from catching obesity-related illness. Proper nutrition may be coached by a veterinarian who will suggest the supplements that he may need. Apart from these, your animal requires exercises. It is now trendy and standard to only sell bio products. Willing the livestock walk through plains and mountains is benefic for the meat production. It brings more quality and value to it. Besides, to keep animal healthy, regular checkups should not be neglected. An annual wellness exam is recommended but your veterinarian can also impose his own rules according to the animals. After, preventative medications can also be led. These measures play a great role in keeping the animal free of unwanted health issues. Otherwise, grooming is also important to preserve the animal’s health. If we can’t give a bath to cows or poultry, they at least need basic hygienic care and healthy environment: clean, dry and also lighted. And finally, remember that affection, socialization and spray/neuter are also important to preserve animal’s health and well-being.

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