7 Golden Rules to Pass CMA Exam

A CMA exam should be simple. You can write a CMA exam if you know the syllabus. It is a matter of preparation for the exam and doing practice questions to understand how to solve them easily. There are many ways to prepare for this exam, but here we will discuss seven golden rules, which will help you pass your CMA Exam on the first attempt.

1.  Prepare your Study Plan

Preparation time is very important for the exam, and you should prepare your study plan for your CMA exam, just like what you do for a cpa test prep. It is not necessary to give equal time for each subject. Always review the topics that cause trouble or cost more than others in practice question papers. For example, when you prepare an audit paper, it will be better if you don’t waste time on taxation and new topics like IFRS.

2.  Don’t Use Shortcuts While Solving Questions

In the CMA exam, questions appear easy, but those who use shortcuts have low scores in their exams. So, always solve problems step by step and figure out how problems can be solved in several ways. After that, try to write everything on a piece of paper.

3.  Don’t Waste Your Time in Solving Questions You Already Know How to Solve

It is not wise to waste your time solving a question that you already know how can be solved. Ten minutes may be adequate, but 20-30 minutes would only distract you from other questions. So, solve questions that you are not 100% sure about the answer to them in a lesser period.

4.  Solve Questions on Which You are Confident First

You must read all the questions properly, and if you find that you get the concept of it very fast, then solve it quickly without wasting any time. If your confidence level is high, your accuracy will increase, and you will be able to resolve it quickly. On the other hand, your confidence level will reduce drastically if you get stuck in a problem.

In conclusion, solving questions on which we are confident first is a practical approach to problem-solving. It optimizes our time and resources, boosts our confidence, and lays the groundwork for tackling more challenging tasks. Striking a balance between confidence and humility enables us to make continuous progress and fosters a mindset of growth and improvement.

5.  Adopt Maintainable Pace of Solving Questions

Maintain an equal pace of solving all questions that are appearing during the CMA exam. If you are spending more time on easy questions, then your confidence level would reduce drastically for the next question. Thus, making it very tough to solve them. You should adopt a maintainable pace to solve all the questions in the paper. Adopting a maintainable pace is one of the keys to passing the CMA exam.

If you are attempting questions in a hurry or not concentrating on the question properly, your level of concentration will be very low, and it would result in wrong answers for many questions.

If you answer each question properly, you can easily score 90%-100% in the CMA exam, but it will become very difficult to reach 80% marks if your concentration level is low while attempting questions.

6.  Write Minimum Information at the End of Each Question

Once you have solved a question, write the minimum required information at the end of each question so that you can use this sheet later while scoring points from PC-based online software. These sheets would help you to save scoring time by minimizing typing. Onsite, you may not be able to carry your answer sheet with you. You need to take care of format and font while writing your answers to avoid confusion.

7.  Don’t Leave any Question Unanswered

You should always try to start with easy questions first, rather than wasting time on difficult questions at the beginning. After spending lots of time on a few questions, some candidates leave them unattempted, making things very tough for them later in the paper. If you are not sure about some question, then guess it or move ahead to the next question without leaving it unanswered.

In conclusion, leaving questions unanswered limits our growth as individuals and as a society. Embracing curiosity and seeking answers leads us to a deeper understanding of the world around us. By valuing the importance of every question, we can unlock the full potential of human intellect and ensure a brighter future for generations to come. Let us embark on a journey of perpetual inquiry, leaving no question unanswered in our quest for knowledge and wisdom.


In conclusion, while appearing for CMA exams, one should keep in mind that we don’t need to get maximum marks. You don’t need to score a particular minimum percentage of marks irrespective of the difficulty level of the question paper. You should give your best in all the questions, irrespective of scoring low marks or getting an impossible question. In a nutshell, always try to be confident about yourself when sitting for a CMA exam.

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